Vibrant hues of my imagination and my real world.

And I quote Ms. Spektor

Inspired by my favorite film. Done in Illustrator with Vladimir Script and VAL.

Bringing the Beat Back

“Write the music you’d want to hear.”

It’s been awhile since I’ve played the keys. My fingers quite memorized some of the chords, yet it feels like I’m starting all over again. Feels good though.


Mi Logo

Sometimes, you just have to free yourself from the never-ending workload and have fun a little. Everyday, I have to come up with at least 6 different logos; all about sales, businesses, marketing and the likes. And browsing through my works, a lot of them looks exactly the same! (They just differ in color, size and font.) So, as what every designer should do when faced with such dilemma… I took a step back and just create something fun for myself. My own logo. I couldn’t believe I haven’t got one yet! So, here it is.


The wanderer continues…


This is the first time (in 4 years) me and my friends failed to book for a summer trip getaway. Different excuses and reasons arose. And we have nothing left to do but whine and regret not buying a ticket.

I thought my wandering days are over…

But thanks to promo deals websites, I was able to grab a 3-day Boracay trip for 2. Matt and I have been waiting long enough to grab a deal such as this. So, we booked our trip on August. Just in time for our 4th Anniversary. (I hope and pray our booked dates will be sunny though.)

Boracay - Photo from

And just last week, my brother booked us (my whole family) a trip to Singapore! Yay! It’s going to be my first time to travel outside the Philippines. I am really excited. 🙂

Singapore - Photo from

And since we’ll be flying to Singapore, my brother (who used to work in Malaysia) said we can take a 5-hour bus trip to Kuala Lumpur. His second home. 😉

Kuala Lumpur - Photo from

I’m really stoked. All I could think about is this, but I would have to wait for a few more months. And so, the wanderer continues…

Happy New Year!


The Very First Time

“I miss our long kisses at the back of a cab. I miss the shy way you talk to me. And every time I caught you glancing,  I can’t help but feel uneasy. The unfamiliar texture of your hand. The warmth of your lips the very first time they touched mine. I was observing you… memorizing you.”

And now, I know you so well that I’m afraid. I know what every sigh means. I know when you’re beside me and you’re thinking afar. I know that sometimes you utter those three words just for the sake of it, to make me feel better. I know when I’ve done something to unleash the tiger and I cant take the things I’ve said back.

Those familiar eyes and smiles… I know when something’s up… How I wish it’s always the very first time… When I still don’t know you.

A Beautiful Mind

I want to see things as a 12-yr old again. Back then, I don’t see the ugly nor the bad. I always believed that each and everyone is created beautifully in their own way. And I pity those who can’t see beauty within themselves. And I pray for them. I was once filled with hopes and dreams. I never thought of how hard I’ll have to work for it, I just focus on the goal and strive for it. I was brave when it comes to dreaming.

I never looked at other people’s physical appearances. Although I do know how to distinguish beautiful from ugly, it was never really an issue for me. ‘Cause our parents taught us that having a pure heart is what truly matters.

Growing up as the youngest and only girl, Mama and Papa were really strict. So I also grew up in fear. Fear of committing a mistake. Fear of turning them and the people around me down. Fear of not being good enough.

So in the eyes of a 12-yr old me, I never expected others to be perfect… But I try my hardest to at least come close to being perfect.

Why I hate Rob

You know how I love chill-out songs, and therefore, love hearing ambienty and almost ethereal voices… That’s why I hate Rob Thomas’ singing voice. Everytime I hear him straining his own vocal chords, it stings in my ear. The stinging sound I also hear from Britney Spears.

That’s right. Rob Thomas is the male counterpart of Britney Spears. It all makes sense now.

Dear Broken Heart

I have zilch memory of you. Or so I thought…

You dropped by yesterday which caught me off guard. I had no clue I’d be seeing you again, not right now. But your visit reminded me and made me realize things about myself. My weaknesses and stuff I should do to avoid you.

What’s insane is that I was able to take a glimpse of  the status of my relationship through an objective point of view. Feelings and emotions enclosed for a while. And however cliché it may sound, truth does hurt. That’s where you came in, continuously knocking on my door, not taking “no” for an answer. You wanted to stay. So bad.

Your grip was very strong. You’re like a devil whispering in my head. You won’t let me go. And I almost gave in. Almost.

But then I met his eyes. His eyes were like skies that will rain. I felt his warm hands over mine. I felt the fast beating of his heart through his chest. And I can’t stop crying. I love him so much, no amount of words could ever explain…

I’m sorry broken heart. You can’t stay here for long anymore. I hope not to see you ever again. But thank you for letting me take a step back to analyze things.